Murals and Mosaics

Some press on my mosaic work

First Urban Mosaic Intervention
An article about the First Urban Mosaic Intervention Chile 2014 that I was part of in Puento Alto. The first photo is me and my dragons.

An excellent website about the mosaics of Brazil which has a page on my work with the kids there.

Goddess of Peace and Love done for Habitat for Humanity

3' x 6'
broken tiles and mirror
Pittsfield, MA 2019

Mosaic to honor Michael Deny

6'x 7'
broken tiles
Springfield MA 2015

Dragon done for the Vogeltrope Project

2' x 3'
Pirmasens, Germany 2019

Peace Mandella done for the O+ project

broken tiles
Kingston, New York, 2019

Mosaic done in Chile the First Urban Mosaic Intervention Chile 2014

Dragon and baby dragon over castle with flowers
6' x 8'
broken tiles
Puento Alto, Chile 2014

view from further back
I did the dragons and the flower underneath.
The whole wall of the building was done by more than
60 artists from around the world.

Mosaic done in Sri Lanka

Kandian Dancer
7' x 3'
broken mirror and broken tiles
Digana, Sri Lanka 2012

Mosaics done in Brazil

Dragon for Bel Borba
4' x 4'
broken tiles
Salvador, Brazil 2013

Boi (Steer)
5' x 8'
broken tiles
Aquiduana, MS Brazil 2010

Broken tile and mirror mosaics done in Springfield MA

Saxophone Player and Dancers
Worthington St., 2016

Break Dancers
Worthington St, 2011

Bikers on Worthington St. wall, opposite Stearns Square
2011, 2012

Broken mirror mosaics on Dwight St. under railroad trestle
Springfield MA, 2009, 2010, 2011

Indian Dancer - beginning of tunnel

Molly - beginning of tunnel

Molly - end of tunnel

Katie - middle of tunnel

Katie - end of tunnel

Katie - middle of tunnel

Ariel - end of tunnel

climber mosaics and birds on pawn shop wall, Dwight St. and Worthington St.

Springfield MA, 2009/2010

Broken tile mosaics done for AEC-TEA (local NGO) and "Casa do Menor", an organization that works with troubled teenagers, in Capim Grosso, Brazil

Capoieristas, 2008
6' x 7'

Wave, 2004
8' x 20'

For international mosaic work with kids see Kid's Mosaics

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